

Results 141 - 160 of 289

KAMERBEEK,J.C. Antigone bij Virginia Woolf. Amst., NHUM, 1974. 18 p. Wrs. 24 cm (Med. KNAW)
Book number: 077834 Euro 5.00

Keywords: Altertum, Altertumswissenschaft, Antike, Antiquity, English literature, Euripides, Greek, Sophocles, Tragödie, classical philology, englishe Literatur, griechische, tragedy

€ 5,00
Book info

KAMERBEEK,J.C. Het Griekse erfdeel in het werk van Thomas Hardy. Amsterdam, NHUM, 1980. 16 p. Stiff wrappers. 24 cm (Mededelingen KNAW)
Book number: 079747 Euro 5.00

Keywords: Altertum, Antike, Antiquity, English literature, Nachleben, Rezeption, englishe Literatur

€ 5,00
Book info

KASSIES,W. En Alexander is een schim in mij. Stukjes antiek bij Gerrit Achterberg. Leiden, Dimensie, 1989. Leiden, Dimensie, 1989. 60 p. Paperback 21 cm (Leidse opstellen 8)
Book number: 150845 Euro 9.00

Keywords: Antike, Dichtkunst, Dutch literature, Nachleben, Niederländische Literatur, Poesie, Rezeption, poetry, reception

€ 9,00
Book info

KIMPE,R. Iphigeneia in Aulis. Treurspel door Reimond Kimpe. Maldeghem, Gedrukt bij Victor Delille, 1912. 92,(1) p. Wrappers 21.5 cm (Nummer 92 der Duimpjesuitgave)(Both covers worn and damaged)(See for this Flemish/Dutch artist Wikipedia)
Book number: 150702 Euro 15.00

Keywords: Antike, Dutch literature, Flemish literature, Iphigeneia, Iphigenia, Iphigenia Aulidensis, Niederländische Literatur

€ 15,00
Book info

KITTO,H.D.F. Form and meaning in drama. A study of six Greek plays and of Hamlet. London, Methuen & Co., (1956) IX,341 p. Cloth 22.5 cm (Bookplate on the front pastedown; including a worn dustjacket)
Book number: 153110 Euro 24.00

Keywords: Agamemnon, Ajax, Altertum, Altertumswissenschaft, Antigone, Antike, Antiquity, Choephori, Drama, Elizabethan tragedy, English literature, Eumenides, Greek, Hamlet, Philoctetes, Shakespeare, Tragödie, classical philology, englishe Literatur, griechische, tragedy

€ 24,00
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KITTO,H.D.F. Form and meaning in drama. A study of six Greek plays and of Hamlet. Ldn., Methuen, (1964). IX,341 p. Pb.
Book number: 065885 Euro 10.00

Keywords: Antike

€ 10,00
Book info

KLASSIEKE MOTIEVEN IN DE MODERNE NEDERLANDSE LETTERKUNDE. (Themanummer Hermeneus). Hermeneus 50,3 (1978). 196 p. Wrappers. 23 cm
Book number: 075145 Euro 8.00

Keywords: Altertum, Antike, Antiquity, Dutch literature, Niederländische Literatur

€ 8,00
Book info

KLASSIEKE OUDHEID, DE. (Themanummer De Gids). De Gids 163,1 (2000). ca. 80 p. Wrs.
Book number: 066903 Euro 7.00

Keywords: Altertum, Antike, Antiquity, Dutch literature, Niederländische Literatur

€ 7,00
Book info

KLERK,C.R. DE. Vaderlandsche Nieuw-klassieke beschouwingen. Amst., n.d. (prob. 1917). 245 p. Cl.
Book number: 013712 Euro 9.00

Keywords: Antike

€ 9,00
Book info

KNIP,J.A.- J.A. Knip, 1777-1847. (Samenstelling catalogus E. Bergvelt & M. van Boven). Noordbrabants Museum, 15 oct. - 12 dec. 1977. The Hague, Staatsuitgeverij, 1977. 220 p., ills. Stiff wrs. 27 cm (Minor painter and draughtsman, who travelled 3 years through Italy; publ. on occasion of an exhibition)
Book number: 103688 Euro 19.00

Keywords: Altertum, Altertumswissenschaft, Antike, Antiquity, Grand Tour, Italia, Italien, Italy, Malerei, Roman art and archaeology, classical archaeology, klassische Kunst und Archäologie, painting

€ 19,00
Book info

KNIP,J.A.- BERGVELT,E. J.A. Knip (1777-1847). De werkwijze van een 19de-eeuwse landschapschilder in relatie tot de kunsttheorie in Holland en Frankrjk omstreeks 1800. N.pl., (1976) 60 p., illustrations. Stiff wrappers. 26 cm (Offprint from 'Nederlands Kunsthistorisch Jaarboek', vol. 27 (1976), p. 11-71)
Book number: 160770 Euro 12.00

Keywords: Altertum, Altertumswissenschaft, Antike, Antiquity, Grand Tour, Italia, Italien, Italy, Malerei, Roman art and archaeology, classical archaeology, klassische Kunst und Archäologie, painting

€ 12,00
Book info

KOLDEWEY,F. Geschichte der klassischen Philologie auf der Universität Helmstedt. Amst., Rodopi, 1970. XII,226 p. Wrappers (Reprint Braunschweig 1895)
Book number: 073298 Euro 12.00

Keywords: Altertum, Altertumswissenschaft, Altphilologie, Antike, Antiquity, Deutsche Geschichte, Deutschland, German history, Germany, Geschichte der klassischen Philologie, classical philology, history of classical scholarship

€ 12,00
Book info

KOSSMAN,N. (Ed.) Gods and mortals. Modern poems on classical myths. Oxf., OUP, 2001. XX,295 p. Half cloth 24 cm
Book number: 092483 Euro 20.00

Keywords: Altertum, Altertumswissenschaft, Altphilologie, Antike, Antiquity, Dichtung, Greek, Nachleben, Poesie, Rezeption, Roman mythology, classical philology, griechische, poetry, reception, religion, römische Mythologie

€ 20,00
Book info

KOSTER,A.J. Enige opmerkingen over nut en waarde der klassieke vorming. Leiden, Brill, 1964. 27 p. Wrs. 24 cm (Lecture)
Book number: 086012 Euro 5.00

Keywords: Altertum, Antike, Antiquity, Bildung, education

€ 5,00
Book info

KOSTER,E.B. Niobe. Gedicht van Edward B. Koster. Doetinchem, Misset, 1893. 90 p. Cloth 18x15.5 cm
Book number: 150401 Euro 19.00

Keywords: Altertum, Antike, Antiquity, Dutch literature, Mythologie, Niederländische Literatur, Niobe, mythology, reception Nachleben

€ 19,00
Book info

KRIER,Th.M. Gazing on secret sights. Spenser, classical imitation and the decorums of vision. Ithaca, Ldn., Cornell Univ. Press, (1990). X,257 p. Cl.
Book number: 044155 Euro 19.00

Keywords: Altertum, Antike, Antiquity, Dichtkunst, English literature, Poesie, Renaissane, englische Literatur, poetry

€ 19,00
Book info

KRIMPEN,N. VAN. Tussen Keulen en Parijs. Audiatur et altera pars. Vlugschrift over de Latijnse les. Over lesgeven, ouders, keuzevakken, leerboeken latijn, vertalen. Zeist, NIB, 1973. 128 p. Wrs. 23 cm
Book number: 078049 Euro 6.00

Keywords: Antike

€ 6,00
Book info

LANGEDIJK,K. De portretten van de Medici, tot omstreeks 1600. Assen, v. Gorcum, 1968. X,175 p. Wrs. 24 cm (Diss., UvA)
Book number: 079488 Euro 19.00

Keywords: Antike, Humanismus, Malerei, Medici, Renaissance, humanism, painting

€ 19,00
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LATEUR,P. Alle schrijvers leiden naar Rome. Tweede druk. Leuven, Davidsfonds, 2000. 336 p., illustrations. Paperback. 22 cm (Handbook for the literary timetraveller. Fragments from Ovid, Juvenal, Shakespeare, Dickens, Flaubert, Goethe, Stendhal, Rilke, Burgess, Mann, Yourcenar, Couperus, Nooteboom) (Somewhat used. Small blank label on the front flyleaf)
Book number: 160449 Euro 14.00

Keywords: Altertumswissenschaft, Altphilologie, Anthologie, Anthology, Antike, Antiquity, Auswahl, Nachleben, Rom, Rome, classical philology, reception, vertaling

€ 14,00
Book info

LEEUW,R. DE. (Ed.) Herinneringen aan Italië. Kunst en toerisme in de 18e eeuw. Zwolle, Waanders, 1984. 264 p., ills. Stiff wrs. 28 cm (On occ. of an exhibition)
Book number: 108851 Euro 28.00

Keywords: Altertum, Altertumswissenschaft, Altphilologie, Antike, Antiquity, Grand Tour, Italien, Italy, Reise, classical archaeology, classical art, classical philology, klassische Archäologie, klassische Kunst, travels

€ 28,00
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