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EURIPIDES. Euripides 1: Medea, Hecuba, Andromache, The Bacchae. (Translations by E. Wilner, M. Nelson, D. Junkins, D.M. Epstein) (And:) Euripides 2: Hippolytus, Suppliant women, Helen, Electra, Cyclops. (Translations by R. Moore, J.F. Nims, R. Hadas, E.S. Morgan, P. Bovie) Edited by D.R. Slavitt and P. Bovie. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylavania Press, 1997. 2 volumes: XIV,298,2; XIV,360 p. Cloth 23.5 cm (Including dustjackets)(Penn Greek Drama Series)
Book number: 151760 Euro 52.00

Keywords: Greek literature, Griechische Literatur, Tragödie, antike altertum antiquity, tragedy
€ 52,00


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