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EMPORIUM. EMPORIUM, Rivista mensile illustrata d'arte e di cultura. Vol. LXV, Anno V, No. 386, Febbraio 1927. Direzione e Amministrazione Istituto Italiano d'Arti Grafiche, Bergamo. Bergamo, 1927. 80 p. Numerous illustrations. Plates. Wrappers. 20 x 27 cm (Contributions: Adriano Lualdi 'Nel primo centenario della morte di Beethoven', Jahn Rusconi 'I nuovi scavi di Pompei', Nunzio Vaccalluzzo 'La casa di Victor Hugo', Ettore Janni 'Il signore della Farnesina' et alia) (Cover somewhat worn, its edges chipping) (Note: Emporium was a famous illustrated Italian periodical of arts and graphic arts, printed in Bergamo by the Italian Institute of Graphic Arts. Founded in 1895, the publication continued until 1964. For many decades, the magazine was an important point of reference for Italian art. It was inspired by the English publication 'The Studio', an illustrated magazine of fine and applied art, appearing in London in 1893. It also drew inspiration from other such magazines, in particular to the German 'Pan' (Berlin 1895) and 'Jugend - Münchner illustrierte Wochenschrift für Kunst und Leben' (Munich 1896). Because of its international cultural openness, Emporium played an important role in making known the major European artistic currents in Italy (from the Preraffaellites to jugendstil), helping to orientate the artistic tastes in Italy)
Book number: 156049 Euro 14.00

Keywords: Kunst, art, periodical
€ 14,00


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