  • JFolder::create: Kan de map niet aanmakenPath: /domains
  • Key folder in safepath unaccessible
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Geen afbeelding ingesteld
VAUX,R. DE. Archaeology and the Dead Sea scrolls. The Schweich Lectures of the British Academy, 1959. London, OUP, 1973. XV,142 p., 42 plates. Cloth. 25 cm (3 names on the front flyleaf)
Book number: 159555 Euro 48.00

Keywords: Altertum, Antike, Antiquity, Archäologie, Bibel, Bible, Essenen, Essenes, Jews, Judaism, Juden, Qumran, Schriftrollen vom Toten Meer, archaeology, dead sea scrolls, religion
€ 48,00


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