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MOHRMANN,C.- Mélanges offerts à Mademoiselle Christine Mohrmann. Utrecht, Antwerpen, Spectrum, 1963. XXXV,281 p. Cloth. 23 cm (Festschrift, including a portrait and a bibliography of 15 pages. Contributions by Van Unnik, Bartelink, Courcelle, Waszink, Marouzeau, Norberg, Marrou, E. Dekker and many others) (Small oval stamp on the front flyleaf)
Book number: 156946 Euro 28.00

Keywords: Altertum, Altertumswissenschaft, Altphilologie, Antike, Antiquity, Christentum, Middle Ages, Mittelalter, Mittellatein, Vulgärlatein, classical philology, early christian literature, early christianity, frühchristliche Literatur, frühes Christentum, medieval Latin, vulgar
€ 28,00


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