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AUGUSTINUS. Sancti Augustini Episcopi Hipponensis & Ecclesiae Doctoris opuscula quaedam selecta. (...) Editio quarta. Brussels (Bruxellae), E typographia Francisci Vivien, 1662. 12mo. (XXIV),514,(2 blank) p. Vellum 12 cm (Ref: STCV:12911771; Bib. catholica Neerlandica impressa 11822) (Details: 5 thongs laced through the joints. Short title in ink on the back. Marbled endpapers. Lacking the frontispiece) (Condition: Frontispiece removed. Paper yellowing) (Note: Aurelius Augustinus, 354-430 AD, bishop of Hippo, is undoubtedly the greatest and the most influential of the Church Fathers. He was trained in classical rhetoric and ancient philosophy, and 'left his distinctive mark on most aspects of western Christianity'. (...) Augustine's major works are landmarks in the abandonment of classical ideals. (OCD 2nd ed. p. 148) § The 'Opuscula Selecta' are: 'Epistola S. Augustini CV, ad Sixtum presbyterum, postea Pontificem Rom (p. 1/45); Epistola CVI ad Bonifacium, vel, ut alii, ad Paulinum (p. 46/88); Epistola CVII ad Vitalem Carthaginensem. (p. 89/119); Liber S. Augustini de Gratia & Libero Arbitrio, ad Valentium & cum illo Monachos (p. 121/203); Liber de Correptione & Gratia, ad eosdem (p. 205/284); Duae Epistolae, una D. Prosperi altera Hilarii, ad Augustinum (p. 285/319); Libri duo S. Augustini quibus respondet, duabus Epistolis D. Prosperi & Hilarii, quorum prior est de praedestinatione Sanctorum; posterior de Bono perseverantia (p. 321/514). § The Brussels printer François Vivien published this 'opuscula selecta' edition for the first time in 1654, and reissued it in 1656 and 1658, and for the fourth time in 1662) (Collation: +12 (minus leaf +1, the missing frontispiece), A-X12, Y6 (leaf Y6 blank)) (Photographs on request)
Book number: 153440 Euro 90.00

Keywords: (Rare Books), Augustine, Augustinus, Belgian imprints, Bonifatius, Briefe, Correspondence, Epistulae, Latin literature, Letters, Sixtus, Spätantike, Vitalis, de libero arbitrio, early christianity, frühes Christentum, late antiquity, römische Literatur
€ 90,00


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